May 28th, 2006



Angela's gravestone was installed on May 3rd. For those who may want to see a picture, you can click here to see it.

Also, a funny story. We got a bill this week and the insurance wasn't covering a hospital stay. I thought I had covered all the bases by contacting everyone at my work benefits center. So I was complaining that Angela wasn't covered. So Joey says, "Let's go down to the cemetary and see Angela." We said, "Why, Joey?" He said, "She's not covered. So we can see her again." Out of the mouth of babes...

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 24th, 2006



For those who have not seen, I am linking to an article that one of our friends from ND wrote in her monthly (??) column. If you have been keeping up with this site then you have probably seen most of it before.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 8th, 2006

The Day of Burial


I have updated the pictures with more of Angela and the family. These are on the normal picture page

I have also created a seperate page that has pictures from the funeral home and one of me holding her after she died. Not everyone may want to see these but she looks beautiful in her little casket. Click here to see those pictures.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 6th, 2006 - 9:30 PM

The Funeral for Angela


I know this is really short notice, but it worked out best for our family. The funeral for our little Angela Marie will be this Saturday, April 8, at Sacred Heart in Gervais at 10 am. You are all most welcome to come. A lot of people have been wondering what they can do to help. As we are expecting a lot of people at the funeral, it would help the Altar Society a lot if people brought food for the reception (if you are planning on coming and are able to do so. Don't worry if you can't). So, a main dish, salad (not lettuce) or dessert would be greatly appreciated. All the visitors and phone calls have been greatly appreciated. We love you all and thank you for your support and prayers.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

How are we doing?


How are we doing? This is probably a question some of you might be asking. For me, I am doing pretty good. I didn't know how I would feel when we got to this point. It has been a long journey and the first week, when we got the diagnosis, was really tough. But the time since then has allowed us to prepare for this time. We wanted a miracle but even more so for Angela to make it to heaven. In a way we got both. The miracle wasn't her healing. Her miracle was being able to touch so many people. To start with, we have heard that many nurses and doctors in the hospital she was born at were touched and changed by Angela and us and the way we loved her so much and how many people came to visit us in the hospital (my rough estimate is 40 to 50 people). Even people in other parts of the hospital, not just in the birthing section. This all suprises me that she had such a far reaching effect on people.

Then at the second hospital everything came together in a great way. In about 4 hours we met with 5 different groups of people (have any of you been able to do that? We normally wait that long before we are seen by the first doctor!). The nurses had never seen that. And once we got her home to was great. We got to be with her so long.

I had never been present when anyone has died or seen a death or held anyone who died. I didn't know what to expect. I am not sure how to describe it. But I was right there with Jeannine who was holding her as she took her last breath and gave up her spirit. And then seeing how peaceful she was after it. After struggling to breathe for the last several hours and not to have to do that anymore, it was a relief for us. The best part, something that several people have said, is that this is the first person that they personally know that is for sure in heaven. We have an intercessor before God now (and so do all of you. I would hope that she now knows of all of your prayers for her and is happy to return the favor.)

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 6th, 2006 - 3:45 PM

The Newest Saint


Angela has gone to heaven.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 6th, 2006 - 1:00 PM

Angela is Nearing the End


Angela breathing has become irregular. Her heartbeat is above 160 and her hands and feet are getting darker. She is also beginning to throw up. The nurse says these are all signs that it won't be too much longer for her. Remember us when you get to heaven Angela.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 6th, 2006 - 12:30 PM

Angela's First Spit Up


Angela just spit up for the first time. What a precious moment.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 6th, 2006 - 12:03 PM

Angela's Third Sacrament


Angela just received the sacrament of anointing of the sick. She is ready for the journey.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 6th, 2006 - 11:13 AM

3 days old


Angela is three days old now. But she appears to us to be very weak. She is losing her nice pink color.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 5th, 2006 - 9:23 PM

Time to get some shut eye


We are going to try and get some sleep now. Jeannine and I are both exhausted.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 5th, 2006 - 5:45 PM

We are all home


Angela has given us all a little scare. This has happened three times over the last day or so where she stops breathing and turns all purple. She then slowly recovers and turns pink again. Her breathing seems shallow. It is tough to tell for sure. We have told her if she needs to go, she can. Just to remember us when she gets to heaven. I have also added below the times of her baptism and confirmation.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 5th, 2006 - 5:25 PM

We are all home


We made it home from Emmanual hospital. We will not be doing any surgery. We have pain medication and supplies for her head dressing. Hospice will be coming tomorrow to check on her.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 5th, 2006 - 10:40 AM

Moving from one hospital to another

(Danny's Sister)

Danny, Jeannine, and Angela briefly stopped back home a little while ago. They left the Silverton hospital and are now in route to a hospital in Portland.

Saved by Danny's Sister in Baby Angela

April 4th, 2006 - 9:30 PM

We are still at the hospital


I am back for a brief update after my sister has been making the last few updates. We are still at the hospital. After a couple of close moments this afternoon (Angela turned dark purple and had a few problems breathing) we are back stable again. Mother and daughter are hopefully sleeping at this moment while I get a change of clothes. She has been quite strong through this whole ordeal. We are looking (if all goes well tonight) to go to Portland tomorrow and have further discussions with doctors up there about things we can do for Angela. More on that later.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

April 4th, 2006 - 02:00 PM

One day old!

(Danny's Sister)

A picture of Angela from today has been posted now also! Both Jeannine and Angela are still at the hospital but are both looking forward to going home!

Saved by Danny's Sister in Baby Angela

April 3rd, 2006 - 09:18 PM

Pictures of Angela

(Danny's Sister)

Pictures of Angela can be found by clicking on the "Pictures" in the menu to the left. We didn't get the miracle of a cure for Angela, but we have been given the miracle of having some time with her.

Saved by Danny's Sister in Baby Angela

April 3rd, 2006 - 6:18 PM


(Danny's Sister)

Angela is still with us. She is doing well. Jeannine is doing well also.

Saved by Danny's Sister in Baby Angela

April 3rd, 2006 - 11:13 AM

Angela's Here!

(Danny's Sister)

Angela Marie was born! She weighed 6 lb 7 oz and 18-3/4" long.

Saved by Danny's Sister in Baby Angela

April 3rd, 2006 - 6:30 AM

Heading In!


We are off to the hospital now. I am not sure when I will be able to update again today but I will try to get information as soon as possible.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

March 26th, 2006



We are about the same as the last update (in terms of how far along things are). We have decided that if Angela isn't born before April 3rd then we will induce on that day.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

March 16th, 2006



We have decided that Angela has probably just dropped and not turned around. Jeannine has also started to dilate (1.5). So things are slowly happening. I am guessing 1-2 weeks still. With John, two weeks before the due date she was 3 and still went almost 2 weeks before giving birth. Each one is different but that is my reference point for the prediction.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

March 15th, 2006

Today is Angela's due date.


March 15th (today) is the due date that the doctor gave us for Angela. So we have additional time with her. Jeannine thinks she may have rotated today and is kicking different areas now. We don't know for sure or not. She might find out tomorrow at the doctor's office.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

March 10th, 2006

We are still waiting.


We are just five days away from our due date. However, we don't feel that the birth will happen any time soon. Jeannine is only 50% effaced and not dilated at all. This is behind schedule for her. At this point we are going to continue to wait things out. If everything goes naturally then we think it will be easier on Angela, which is a good thing.

We have our list of things to take to the hospital. The cameras are all ready and the flash card is empty. Just need to be sure to grab the holy water on the way out the door. I have never baptized anyone before so I am a little nervous about that. If Angela is alive after birth we hope to get her confirmed.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

March 1st, 2006

The Time is Near


Well, we are getting close now. The due date is in two weeks. However, there have not been to many contractions to this point so it seems like we are not in any immediate situation of labor beginning. But, you never know.

I find it hard to balance the "pray with faith" and "be prepared" ideas. We know that God can heal her and we pray daily that she will be healed. Many people are also praying for this. But we have also done some preparing for Angela not to make it.

I also think about what will it be like that day (or night, hopefully not at 3am!). How will the kids take it? Will she be alive long enough for them to see her? The wait is hard but the birth will be even harder. But it is becoming all too real right now because we don't have a lot of time.

She is moving around quite a bit and letting us know she is here!

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

February 20th, 2006

Doctor's Visit


Jeannine visited the doctor this past week and Angela's heartbeat was normal. Good news.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

February 2nd, 2006

Doctor's Appointment


Jeannine had a doctor's appointment today and Angela's heartbeat was irregular and Jeannine has increased in size quite a bit in the past two weeks. We are not entirely sure what that means but it seems that Angela may be struggling a little bit more right now than earlier in the pregnancy.

Dear Lord, if not a miracle healing then please let her be born alive so we can baptize her and shower our love on her. Amen.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

January 25th, 2006

Third Ultrasound


Jeannine and I flew to Phoenix this past weekend to attend a wedding. While there, we were able to have a third ultrasound. The results are still the same. We were able to get a second videotape of Angela. It shows all of her body - hands, arms, legs, heart, etc. So, there is plenty of evidence for her condition - two videos and several pictures. This means that if we are blessed to have a miracle through the intercession of a venerable or blessed that is in need of a miracle, we should have the evidence needed. So keep up the prayers, please, especially to Venerable Solanus Casey or JPII (or any other saint) and of course to Jesus himself.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

December 22, 2005

Christmas Approaches


Not only are the kids very excited, but we are nearing the end of another novena (though it is not for nine days) we are doing. It is a prayer that is said daily from the feast of St. Andrew to Christmas Day. It is as follows:

Hail and blessed is the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires through the merits of our Savior Jesus Christ and of his Blessed Mother. Amen.

The prayers continue to pour in for us. We are very grateful for this support! Jeannine is getting bigger which makes it an easy reminder that we have a baby on the way. Of course that brings a certain amount of sorrow. We have passed the sixth month now which brings us into the final trimester.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

December 14, 2005

"Novena" Prayer


So the prayer that was given to us with the relics of Venerable Solanus Casey is as follows:

O God I adore you. I give myself to us. May I be the person you want me to be. May your will be done in my life today.

Thank you for the gifts you gave to Father Solanus. If it is your will, glorify him on earth so that others will carry on his love for the poor, lonely and suffering in our world.

In order that others will joyfully accept Your divine plan, I ask you to hear this prayer... (insert request here: we say "for the complete healing of Angela Marie") ... through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

December 8, 2005

Happy Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception


It has been quite a while since I last posted anything. Partly because there really isn't any new news about Angela and partly because I have been battling a cold for about two weeks that has not let me stay up at night. But it sounds like there are many family and friends checking this out with our Christmas letter arriving so I should be posting something a little more frequently.

John got his cast off. Now we have a lefty. Prior to breaking the right arm he was a righty but in just three short weeks he has learned to do everything with his left and forgets that he has his right hand again.

Angela has been moving for quite a while. She is now to the point that one can see her move and not just feel the movement.

I may have wrote this earlier, but our attitude is that we are praying for a miracle while we are still preparing as if we won't get one. In terms of praying for the miracle, we have a relic of St. Angela Merici (which is kept close to us at night). We also have received third class relics of Venerable Solanus Casey, one for each of the family. More can be found out about his life here. We are also doing a novena from St. Andrew's Day to CHristmas. Of course, we also have many other people praying for us and for a miracle. But our prayer is always that God's will be done. Maybe we will need our little Angela in heaven praying for us in the future. It is something we just can't know at this time and place in the hands of God who knows what is best for us.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

November 13, 2005

Holy Innocence


A funny story related to all this. When we were first telling our children about the baby, we also told them we thought the baby was a girl. This puzzled John tremendously. Finally he spoke, "How can they tell its a girl? The baby doesn't have any hair yet." So Jeannine asked if there was any other way you might tell a boy from a girl and Mary said, "Girls wear pink." How innocent they are!

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

November 12, 2005



We have been fortunate to have lent to us a relic of Saint Angela Merici which just arrived today. We had actually decided to name our baby Angela before finding out that we could borrow this relic. But it seems very appropriate.

Saved by Danny in Baby Angela

November 11, 2005

How blessed we are!


Since contacting many of our family and friends, so many have written back and given us some much support and are offering up so many prayers on our behalf. How can we thank everyone for this?

I am not sure how much there is to report. We are now about 22 weeks along. Angela is kicking and moving around. At this point the pregnancy is "normal". She should be growing and moving around the same as any child at this point in the pregnancy. I think it is much harder for Jeannine since she has the constant reminder of what is happening with Angela with her all the time. For me, its not that I forget, but at times while at work everything seems just normal. The most difficult times now are everytime I am at church, especially at mass. Now I notice all the readings that mention things about being with the Lord. Things that probably are in most of the readings, but I just wasn't needing that part of God's Word at the time. Plus, as we hit the end of the liturgical year, the readings focus more on the end. I also can't help but think about the funeral while at church. I think that will be very hard.

Saved by Danny in Baby

November 8, 2005

Second Ultrasound and How can you help?


So we had our second ultrasound today and the results of the first one were confirmed. We also found out that our baby is a girl. We have chosen to name her Angela Marie.

A lot of people have been asking: What can we do for you? I guess at this point all we are in need of is prayers. I think we are now beyond the shock of the diagnosis (I couldn't tell anyone the first few days without getting all choked up) and just preparing for the road ahead. That is where we will probably need some help.

Another thing is that people are unsure of what to say to us. That is ok. Before this happened, I had no idea what to say to somebody going through this. I guess just letting us know that you are praying for us/thinking of us is the most important thing. We realize that the Lord gives and the Lord takes, Blessed be the Lord! Just knowing that we have caring family and friends is important.

Saved by Danny in Baby

November 7, 2005

How do you cope?


A question that comes up is how do you deal with a situation like this? How many times have we been asked already if we would like to terminate. It is not at all an option for us. This is our child that we are going to love and nuture for as long as we can. And actually, it isn't even out child ultimately. It is God's child. Like all of our children. So our deep faith in God and our hope in heaven keeps us going. Knowing that our baby will go to heaven is very consoling.

Apart from a miraculous cure, we are praying for a safe delivery so we can baptize the baby, have a chance to hold her and have all the kids hold her. It is all very difficult but many people are praying for us and offering help so things are ok at this point.

The US bishops have also written on the subject of babies with anencephaly. There statement can be found here. There is also commentary on this document here.

Saved by Danny in Baby

November 6, 2005

The Days Ahead


We have a second ultrasound this week. We are looking for prayers. Thanks and God bless.

Saved by Danny in Baby

October 27, 2005

The News


It started as a routine ultrasound. I took the day off work as usual and went with Jeannine to the doctor.

As the doctor was looking at the baby, he kept going back to the head. Jeannine noticed that something was wrong.


What is anencephaly? Click here or here for more information. There is a diagram at the first site and further information at both of them. But it is where the brain does not completely form. Short of a miracle, the baby won't be able to survive very long after birth.

Saved by Danny in Baby