July 12th, 2006

Still doing some school


The good thing about homeschooling (ok, it is only one of the good things but I am thinking about it right now) is that we can keep up some learning in the summer. They are all doing the reading program at the library. John has read something like 45 hours in the last two/three weeks. Mary is finishing up her english that was too hard for her in January. She will be able to start second grade in the fall. The youngest two are doing some workbooks. It just keeps them sharp for next fall when we really go at it again.

Saved by Danny in Homeschool

March 1st, 2006

Growing Up


Anthony is growing up so quickly. We now have him potty trained. He will even tell us (sometimes) that he needs to go. Wow, this is the quickest for us. Are we better parents or did God just let us have someone with and easier temperment since that is what we need right now? He is know doing some number puzzles all the time. And, we have a kid's boggle game that has cards with words and individual cubes with letters. He can find the letters that match the words!

Joey is doing some school. I am not sure how much at this point. Working on identifying all the letters and doing some practice on writing letters. We are working with him (and all the kids) this Lent on the virtue of obedience. For some reason, they have all forgotten how to listen to Mommy and Daddy the first time.

Saved by Danny in Homeschooling

February 14th, 2006

Looking at the stars


Last Friday, I took the three oldest into Portland for a little star gazing. It was at a community college that has a large telescope on top of this large wooden tower. They had the telescope on Saturn. What a view! A person could see the planet and the rings (distinct from each other) and its moon Titan. What would it have been like to be one of the first people to see it and wonder what it was.

We also looked at the Orion nebula and the double star in the Big Dipper (Ursa Major). And finally, one telescope was directed at the moon. It was neat to see all the craters. I couldn't see the flag we left up there. Maybe next time.

Saved by Danny in Homeschooling

January 26th, 2006



Here is a subject I haven't written about yet but is on the list of things I thought I would be writing about when I set up the web page. The oldest two are being homeschooled. So what does that mean for us? The afternoons are spent doing the curriculum that we purchased through Seton (a homeschooling place, accredited and all those good things). Jeannine will sit down with them and show them the things they can't figure out or listen to them read, etc. John is in second grade and Mary in first. I get to jump in and help out when they don't want to study (AKA Daddy's school, this is not a good thing!), when something is too hard or they just aren't getting it, or when it is a science project. They love it, it gives more time for other things -> cooking, sewing, going to OMSI for science activities, etc.

Saved by Danny in Homeschooling